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Book a Travelling Trunk

Can’t come to us? 
Let us send or bring a trunk of artifacts to you!  Perfect for the classroom or other educational organizations.


Option 1: Life in 19th Century Illinois

This trunk brings Lincoln’s Springfield to life in your classroom with hands-on materials that will connect students to 19th century Illinois history and culture in a very real and engaging way. The trunk allows teachers to tap new and creative ways to experience history and social studies in their classroom. Lesson plans accorded to Illinois state standards are included for 4th and 5th grades.  Many of the artifacts are authentic 19th century antiques, giving students the opportunity to literally handle a piece of the past!


Option 2:  Work and Games in the 19th Century

This trunk is ideal for younger children, with hands-on materials to teach children about how children learned and played in the 1800s. The trunk allows children a participatory experience in learning what childhood was like 150 years ago. The trunk contains lesson plans according to Illinois state standards for teachers to help guide the week for 2nd and 3rd grades.

Both trunks include creative lesson plans aligned to Common Core and Illinois State learning standards. Want a trunk that doesn't have the right level of lesson plan for your classroom? We can adapt the trunks to fit your needs!

Rental is free and the rental period lasts for one week (presentation by costumed interpreter may be available based on availability of interpreters). Requests for trunks must be made at least two weeks in advance to guarantee availability.

Wooden trunk

Outreach - Let us Bring our Knowledge to You!


Curator of Collections Sarah Adams is available to visit your classroom, meeting, or organization to deliver an illustrated presentation on a variety of topics pertaining to 19th century history.

Topics include:

Domestic Servants in 19th Century America

Victorian Cooking and Dining

Edwards Place Virtual Tour

Edwards Place Restoration


Presentations are available Tuesday - Saturday for daytime or evening events.

The cost is $50, payable to the Springfield Art Association.


Call 217-523-2631 or email to schedule a presentation.




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